
Wednesday 18 February 2015

Chubby Bump: 22 weeks pregnant

Sorry for not posting any earlier and not posting last week. There was just heaps going on and writing a pregnancy update was the last thing on my mind... but here you go. It's gonna be a mixed up 21 and 22 weeks update!


How far along are you? I'm 22 weeks and 2 days today. 

How I'm feeling:  I tried to take some notes on my phone during the week so I don't forget but the only two things that I have written down were nesting and hard stomach. So nesting has really kicked in last week. I've never had the typical nesting during the last pregnancy and I'm not really a super tidy and organized person. I'm more of the chaotic type... So this has been new to me that I have to put everything away straight away. Basically the same with the hard stomach or braxton hicks contraction. During my first pregnancy I thought my stomach can't get hard at all but I have had a hardened up stomach quite a few times so far. But I guess that is normal when you have a toddler running a round all day.
Emotionally I have been ok. I've had a few sad and depressed days. Nothing really to worry about but just a few down days.

Total weight gain: My eating has been sooooooo bad during the last two weeks. Cravings have been so bad. I haven't actually stood on the scales but I know that I have put on some weight now. I will try my best to eat as healthy as possible now.

How big is little bee? Little bee is approximately the size of a mango weighing 430gr and measuring 29cm head to toe. 

Maternity clothes: Yes. Nothing to add. 

Sleep: Sleeping has been really good lately. Even though the peeing during the night has kinda come back but I don't seem to mind really. I just get up, do my business and get back to bed... All good :D

Movement: I have been feeling little bee a lot. The movements are getting stronger each week. And hubster was actually able to feel little bee on valentine's day!! 

Food cravings: All the bad things. I really haven't been craving one thing only. But it's all bad. It goes from burgers to chocolates to sweet drinks. You basically name it and I crave it AND I eat it. Self-control has been bad therefore as well :( But I'm trying to get back on the healthy wagon!!

Food aversions: eating it all!!! 

Belly button in or out: in. But when I lay down in the evenings I notice that it gets less deep if you know what I mean...Maybe I should add the Wedding Band on or off question: No wedding band for me anymore. I'm way too scared I won't be able to take it off anymore...

What I miss: Not been missing much this week. I was way to busy to miss a thing. :D

Best moment this week: We celebrated hubbys 30th birthday. We had an awesome time with friends and family. However, I was super tired when we got home. It was basically just me running around and catering for the guests... The result was super sore feet and my back was killing me. I was still tired the other day...

What I'm looking forward to? This week I can't really think of anything. BUT we have a doctor's appointment next week and I can't wait to see little bee again!!


My 21 week bump...


My 22 week bump...

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