
Monday 2 February 2015

Chubby Bump: 20 weeks pregnant.. Half way there!

How far along are you? Half way there!!!! I'm 20 weeks and 0 days!

How I'm feeling:  umm.. This weeks has been ok. Not the best but also not the worst. I've had quite a lot of heartburn. I had, I think, two days where I felt nauseous. I also think that my body now really started to retain water which sucks. I've never ever had a problem with swelling or retained water while preggers with Nathanael. So I started to wear my compression socks which I got for our long haul flight  to Australia. Those socks... Oh, dear! I'm so out of breath after I put them on. It's a struggle. But as long as it helps, right?! Still drinking lots of water, 2-3 litres... And I feel like my arm doesn't fall asleep as often anymore as it used to. That's a plus.
Emotionally I've been ok. Still quite a lot of tears just listening to certain songs and so on. But otherwise  all is good.

Total weight gain: I forgot to weigh myself this morning but I weighed in yesterday with -1kg. So I'm down 1kg.. Perfect.

How big is little bee? Little bee is approximately the size of a banana weighing 300gr and measuring 25,6cm head to toe. 

Maternity clothes: Yes. Nothing to add. Just trying not to go stripy every single day :D

Sleep: Sleeping well. I've noticed that I usually don't have to get up anymore to pee. Peeing, however, has been bad during the day now. 

Movement: I feel little bee every single day. Mostly in the evenings as I'm too busy to notice it during the day. Therefore kicks are still not that hard that it hurts or anything like that. The other night I actually felt little bee roll over and I actually felt it from the outside. Unfortunately Mister Husband wasn't around and I reckon as soon as he would've put his hand on my belly it would've stopped anyways.. hahah. always the same..

Food cravings: TOMATOES! Oh, gosh. One day I had this super hugh craving for tomatoes! At least it was a healthy craving. And I do really like salads. But of course chocolate is still up there in my cravings list. 

Food aversions: eating it all!!! YUMMERS!

Belly button in or out: in. Maybe I should add the Wedding Band on or off question: They're off most of the time. I can still fit them but I get scared I won't be able to take them off again as I do start to swell. So when I wear rings I will wear some that are slightly too big.. Which would be m engagement ring and one I got from my grandy.

What I miss: Haven't really missed anything this week. well, there has been one thing. always the same. Shame on me but I missed Baileys... It's quite cold at the moment with a lot of snowing so the occasional coffee with Baileys would be A.W.E.S.O.M.E!

Best moment this week: First time of the year to go listen to carnival bands (I have no clue what you would call them in english..) Nathanael dressed up as a dino (Got that from Carter's). And I got Marcel's birthday pressie (His 30th b-day is coming up next monday!)

What I'm looking forward to? Still the stroller. It was supposed to arrive on friday and it didn't. So still waiting on that! I can't think of anything else right now :D

I thought I'd share my bare belly for once including my tiger stripes

Please excuse the bad lighting...

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