
Monday 26 January 2015

Chubby Bump: 19 Weeks pregnant...

How far along are you? I'm 19 weeks and 0 days! Almost half way!!! YAY!

How I'm feeling:  Well, I'm good. That kind of sums it up. No nausea anymore. Rarely any headaches and the back pain has been fine as well. So when it comes to the physical aspects of last week I have been good. The only real thing that somewhat worried me was that during the night when I woke up my left arm had been falling asleep. I had a doctor's appointment on tuesday and I talked to my doctor. She said it could be from retaining water that pressured a nerve but I haven't really been swelling. So she told me to take some magnesium and see if it'll go away and to try and drink lots of water. Since taking the magnesium before I go to sleep I have noticed that my arm was better. However, for a few days now my wrist has been hurting. So I'm really trying to drink lots of water as I do think it might be retained water.. we'll see.
Emotionally I have been pretty much the same. Nathanael has been teething quite badly this past week and he needed his mummy a lot. So I sometimes got to a point where I just couldn't handle it anymore and just cried. There are also a few things that have to be figured out for my/our future and I had a lot on my mind not making it any easier to have a clingy, teething toddler and being emotional anyways. But it's ok. Nothing that really bothers me in terms of "oh, I can't handle my life anymore". :)

Total weight gain: Still the same. I haven't gained or lost any grams. I even checked the weight I weighed in at my doctor and I have been exactly the same weight every time I went. And my doctor was really happy and told me to try not to gain as long as possible which I will try.

How big is little bee? Little bee is approximately the size of a grapefruit weighing 240gr and measuring 15cm head to bum. From next week on the abby will be measure head to toe!

Maternity clothes: Yes. I have been wearing mostly dresses last week. Non-maternity dresses but all my other clothes are maternity.

Sleep: Sleep has been good. The thing with my hand has been mentioned above. So still peeing about 2 times a night.

Movement: Yes, feeling little bee every day now. Still no big movements but definitely feeling little bee moving. She/ he has been moving a lot around my bladder. It feels like someone's playing soccer with my bladder which I haven't really had this early with Nathanael. 

Food cravings: Cravings have kind of been weird. Um... I have been craving chocolate quite a lot. Not every chocolate only special ones and not every day the same type of chocolate. One day I craved mustard and at the same time chocolate.. Not that I would have wanted to eat them together I just wanted them at the same time.

Food aversions: no aversions this week... I can eat it all :D

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss: I missed going to the toilet by myself.. Just having a few minutes off... But it's ok. I know it's only a phase until the next phase.. hahhaha

Best moment this week: All up it was a lovely week. We were able to see little bee this week but unfortunately he/ she didn't want to show the gender. But everything is fine and that was great. AND we ordered our new stroller!!! YEAY! Maybe if someone's interested we decided on a Bugaboo Donkey Duo. I wanna do a time lapse video of when I or we assemble it. And then I would like to write a review on our current stroller (which I'm trying to sell) and our new one.

What I'm looking forward to? Looking forward to tonight. Hubster and I are having a date night. Nate's gonna be staying at my parents and we'll probably go out for dinner. So def looking forward to that! And as I already said our new stroller might arrived at the end of the week!

Please just don't look at my panty line :D

I think my bump looks super weird this week.. 

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