
Sunday 4 January 2015

Chubby Bump: 16 Weeks...

How far along are you? Today I'm exactly 16 weeks. Depending on what book you read or what app you follow I'm right at the beginning of my 5th month. (It does really depend on how you look at it).
In some ways I can't even believe that it has already been 16 weeks and then on other days I'm like "what? still 24 to go"...

How I'm feeling: I am feeling good. I reckon I'm not (yet) as emotional as I was while preggo with Nate. Well, maybe I should add that yesterday had been probably the most emotional day in this pregnancy. Already when I got up I felt off and then during breakfast I was staring at Nate and had to cry, then I heard a song and I had to cry, when hubster got home from work I had to cry...Lots of tears yesterday.. But otherwise I have been feeling good. When it comes to physical aspects I'm alright. I'm not sick anymore like I used to be for the first 13-14 weeks but I do still have a weird tummy occasionally. And it seems as if as soon as I lie down to go to bed I feel the worst. But it's ok.
oh, I forgot. I did have back pain more than I had during the previous weeks. lower back pain and I had one day when I really felt my sciatic nerve. I hope that doesn't get any worse or I might have to go see my chiropractor.

Total weight gain: down 1 kg

How big is little bee? The baby is the size of an avocado this week. Weighs about 100g and measures somewhere around 11cm. (This also varies a lot from app to app) I'll just still to this one for my next updates.

Maternity clothes: Not only but also. This kinda sums it up. I do still fit my usual shirts and some pants but especially when it comes to pants it is way more comfortable to wear my maternity ones. And I guess it's just easy to grab some out of my closet as I don't have to go buy some. I just grab the my old ones. I did order one pair of a thicker kind and one pair of nice black trousers for work. I haven't received them yet.

Sleep: I am a very good sleeper. I mean I usually sleep well no matter what  or where. So I have to say I still sleep well. However, I might start using the pregnancy pillow just out of comfort. And of course there are the 2-3 times I have to get up to pee. but ok. Something that has been different this week are my dreams. Real weird dreams. I might have to add that I usually can't remember what I dreamt.. We'll see if this continues.

Movement: Each day this week I had some moments when I thought "oohh, that's the little bee".. But nothing like kicks or turns.. I reckon I have felt the bee but just really that bubbly fluttery feeling.  I do hope it gets stronger next week.

Food cravings: Oh, dear. There have been many and different ones. I have craved fruit gums, chinese food, salads... I can't even seem to think of them all now. It just felt like it changed every day to something different.

Food aversions: none I guess. maybe any kind of soft cheese. that's it.

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss: I do miss the occasional glass of wine. Especially during the christmas and new years days.

Best moment this week: Carrying sleeping Nate from the car to his crib at New Year's eve. He looked so innocent. Well, I guess he still is so innocent. I just love him so much. :)

What I'm looking forward to? Finding out it little bee is a girl or a boy. And trying out a new stroller!!

Not the best bump shot but I'm still figuring out where and how I want to take my bump pictures.

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