How I'm feeling: Emotions have been like a roller coaster. I wouldn't say worst week so far but by far the most emotional week. I guess it's gonna stay on that level for a while. I have not had any like super wild crying. It was more of tears just rolling down my cheeks at every possible situation. But it's ok.. I'm ok with that. The whole situation with my patience got better. I was much more calm and relaxed this week. I like that! Nausea has gone completely which is great. I had the occasional headache and on friday and saturday I think I overdid a bit.
Friday my mum, Nathanael and I went to IKEA for some shopping. So we did lots of walking and carrying. I was super tired when we got home. Then on Saturday Nathanael stayed at my mum's place and I got some cleaning done and I built Nathanael's new bed which we got at IKEA... This resulted in a bad back pain and being super tired and just feeling off.
And something else that has really taken over is being out of breath. I think it got quite noticeable and even just putting Nate in his car seat and popping Ares in the car I'm out of breath.
Nathanael's new bed
Total weight gain: still 1 kg down. So same as last week.
How big is little bee? Little bee is the size of a bell pepper weighing 190gr and measuring 14,2 cm.
Maternity clothes: Definitely maternity close. Some non-maternity shirts are still ok, though.
Sleep: Sleep has been quite good this week. Peeing usually 2 times a night. I have noticed that some nights I wake up and my left hand/arm has fallen asleep. A really weird feeling and of course I googled it. What came up was the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. As far as I read there isn't really that much you can do about it but I will mention it to my doctor this week and see what she says.
Movement: Still feeling movement. However, still no big kicks or rolling but for sure feeling little bee every now and then. I do try to slow down at least when I lie down in bed and just put my hands on my belly and just relax. Because it just seems that during the day, especially with Nate running round and wanting all of my attention, I just don't seem to notice being pregnant that much.
Food cravings: None. At least not that I can think of. I really craved some salads one day but that it it.
Food aversions: still cheese. but it's been ok.
Belly button in or out: in.
What I miss: This week I have to admit I really missed not drinking any alcohol. I was invited to a friends place for dinner and she served such nice wine. OMG. and I was sipping on my sparkling grape juice.
Best moment this week: There were many!! I had a great time on friday with my mum shopping and we checked out the stroller we're looking into buying. (It was great! So just waiting to order it online and I'll probably do a separate blog post on our stroller). Then Saturday night my friend's birthday. Some mummy time!! GREAT! I really enjoyed it!
What I'm looking forward to? Of course the doctor's appointment on tuesday!!!! Hopefully we find out the gender!!! Keep your fingers crossed!

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