How far along are you? I'm exactly 17 weeks and 0 days. 23 weeks to go. 3 weeks till I'm halfway there.. Time seems to fly. and then there are days when I think "C'mon hurry! Still soooo long to go"
How I'm feeling: Well, I guess I kind of jinxed it last week by saying that I'm not (yet) as emotional as during my previous pregnancy... That has definitely changed this week. So I can basically say that throughout the week I have been super emotional, lots of crying going on because of virtually nothing. Things like my husband saying something to me and thinking about certain things... It's all been part of my emotional state. And of course I went to the movies to watch this sad comedy about alzheimers and, oh gosh, worst decision ever. But still a good movie. Something else I noticed this week is that I don't seem to be as patient as I used to be. Especially when it comes to Nathanael. I don't like that....
Otherwise I have been feeling ok. Some back pain, some real bad headaches but otherwise quite good.
Total weight gain: still 1 kg down
How big is little bee? Baby bee is the size of a ginger measuring about 13 cm and weighing 140 gr.
Maternity clothes: This week I have only been wearing maternity pants. But the shirts still fit. So I do wear some of my maternity shirts but also some regular ones.
Sleep: Sleep has definitely changed as well. I had about 3 really bad nights when I just could not fall asleep and then I kept waking up so many times. I also started to use my pregnancy pillow this week. I do feel comfortable using it but sleep just hasn't really been on the good site anyways.. we'll see what happens this week.
Movement: I felt little bee this week! It was at 16 weeks 4 days. No kicking or rolling but sure it was little bee. It felt like a soft knock on the inside of my belly. It's just that every time I feel that little knock I try to concentrate and of course little bee doesn't wanna move again. hahha. I felt him/her every day since and I hope it gets stronger now every day!!!! :D
Food cravings: Food cravings have been ok. Of course I mostly crave for something that I don't have a t home but then I can't be bothered to go out and get it. I guess it's mostly a good thing so I don't eat all the crappy things I crave. But nothing in particular really this week.
Food aversions: still not too fond on cheese...
Belly button in or out: in.
What I miss: Not having to cry at each and every thing... I've always been emotional but I really don't like having to cry sooo much and I just can't control it..
Best moment this week: Going to the movies. I had a great time out with friends!
What I'm looking forward to? Going to IKEA on friday and getting to check out the stroller. LOVE IKEA!!!
Bump with my flarey shirt and without...

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