
Friday 27 July 2012

too cool for school...

Our pup is going back to school, well, we take him back to school. It's not school as in school, school. Oh dear! How to explain!
ummm... let me see.... Ares is gonna be a paramedic dog ! HAHAHAha.. well, it's more like rescue dog.. we're trying... we don't really have the intention of taking the exams for actually work with him in that field but it's more of a get together once a week with  other doggies and play and work a bit.

well, Ares isn't the most well-trained dog I have to admit. We do work with him and he knows a few commands but he's not the super-geeky-I always-listen-to-what-you-say dog. He is more of I-listen-if-you're-really-nice-to-me dog and the I-mostly-just-do-what-i-want dog. WE LOVE HIM! :D

you see, he is a big boy. and he needs to follow some rules. There are rules we are pretty strict about.
He doesn't jump up on people (maybe he is just too lazy to actually do that).
He doesn't bark at family, friends and random people (He only barks when you make him to.)
He is not allowed upstaires which means no lying on our bed on so on.
He is allowed on the couch but only if there is no one else on it (If I come and sit down he gets off)
He doesn't beg for food when we eat (he does come around and have a look at what we're doing but he goes and lies down afterwards)

 Things we have to improve:
Come when we call him (he does it most of the times, especially when we're out and about. but it doesn't always work at home. meaning if he is somewhere near our house and off leash he sometimes takes off but comes back fairly quickly.)
Heeling. We're working on that one. He heels ok when on leash. now working on off leash. still quite a bit off work to do.

That was basic info!

Yesterday we had training. We were supposed to have. Hubby ususal goes but as he is working afternoon shift  I figured I could go. I'm a mess. People who know me know this. I'm mostly in a hurry when it comes to be somewhere at a certain time.. So I was  late (exactly 4 minutes) and no one was there anymore. I guess they must have cancelled it (as I found out later hubs told them we weren't coming and I guess there weren't enough people..No one told me!) Well, Ares and I did some heeling and then I decided to take some photos. Just to show you our dog in all its glory :D

sidenote: It was a really hot day and even though it was around 8pm it was still pretty hot and in those pictures he looks more like he's been on an 8 hour walk than what we actually did..

We can lie down and stay (but you have to be quick to take a picture!)

 Let those flappy ears get caught by the wind! YAY!

 some running action with ears all over the place. what a beauty! :D

Zeus, our newest soon-to-be family member, and me all sweaty

 I'd say that's enough animal information for today! ;)
Have a great day!

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