
Thursday 26 July 2012

The journey of my hair

Just recently I got a haircut. Not just a trim but a haircut. A major makeover I would even like to call it.

But let's just go a bit further into my past..

As a little kid I cannot remember ever having had longer hair. It was maybe shoulder length but never longer (My mum is a short hair mum, never knew her any different than with short hair).. So I guess she just always got my hair cut. For my part I always wanted long hair but I never had tha patience of growing it. I might get to  a little longer than my shoulders but never really long. So as soon as marshmellow and I started to think about getting married (beginning of 2010), I started growing my hair. Even though we weren't engaged by that time I still wanted to grow my hair just so it would be long for the wedding.

pretty old photos from aroud the same time. I can tell cause I'm wearing the same pair of glasses in both photos.

So that is what I did.. growing my hair. until it was pretty long (at least for my standards). I loved my long hair. I loved the fact that I could just put it up ina bun when I was lazy, or I could straighten it and wear it down so everyone could see my long hair and what I loved most about it was that I could do different updos. I loved to braid my hair in different ways and try new styles.

Sometimes before the wedding. again I can tell because of the glasses I'm wearing. :) Probably the longest my hair ever was.

Well my hairdresser (I love her to pieces) and I decided to change it up a bit. So we (well she did the cutting) cut it in an asymmetrical way... It looked lovely when she did it, which is ususally the case when you get a new haircut and it's all nice after it has been styled the right way. But for my part I just didn't know how to work it. I ended up putting it in a bun most of the time and I was hot with all the hair and I got really fed up. so I called her (well texted) and asked for another appointment.

This is what came out:
The journey of my harcut. The one on the top right is the asymmetrical cut...

I just went in there, said to her:"Cut it off." And off it is.

I LOVE IT: I feel free and confident. Hubbs, well he is ..., male. He says it's not too bad but he just doesn't like short hair...on women of course, I mean. But I do like it. You will probably hear more about my hair in the future. I change the colour a lot :D


  1. I LOVE your new hair cut!!! Spunky and fun!!!

    1. Thanks Jill! Maybe a little courage for you?:)
