
Monday 30 July 2012

I'm healthy and I know it...lalalalla

I wanted to write "I'm sexy and I know it..." at first. But I guess that would have pushed it a bit far. no?!
There must be something sexy about me. at least at times..otherwise I wouldn't have found my lovely husband, right? or maybe he just married me because I'm such a good housewife and I cook for him every day the best meals ever.. right. (can you spot the irony here?)

well.. it's monday and that means it's time to reflect on the last week in terms of healthy lifestyle, weight loss, being active.

hmmm... not much to report. damn. really?!

let's think again.

eating has been good. BBQs with salads, no bad snacking in terms of chocolate bars or chips, I did have some cake on sunday but I didn't overeat ..
water intake? check. at least during the week I'm going strong with 2 litres of water. I should try to cut back on coffee though. I'll try that next week. maybe..

on the fruity, vegetable front I'm doing ok. there were some bananas, grapes, apricots, nectarines... yummy. I love nectarines. YUP! :) vegetablewise, I eat veges everyday. not really gonna list them all. too boring.

being active? well, as you know I'm doing the whole dvd thing. I did keep up with them during the week but I slacked on the weekend. I do walk the dog, sometimes even for more than just 15 minutes...hehe. sometimes.

the numbers? well, there has been a loss. not something worth mentioning but at least a loss.

no photos today. but there will be some tomorrow.

tomorrow is gonna be a big day! curious? well check back tomorrow!

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