
Monday 30 March 2015

Chubby Bump: 28 weeks pregnant...

wow! it's been quite a long time since my last update but I guess it was just life that was happening...:)

I reckon as it has been 6 weeks since my last update I won't do just the regular update.. I do a quickish recap of the past 6 weeks and mainly write about how I feel at the moment.

Probably the main thing happening was that I went to the hospital just about 3 weeks ago because I thought I was having contraction. They were somewhat painful and regular and even after taking some magnesium and lying down they I didn't feel any better. So I called my doctor's office and they told me to go to the hospital to get me checked.. after about 3 hours my actual doctor came in (as she was on call at the hospital) and told me that they couldn't see any contractions on the CTG but from what I wss telling them she'd say they were contractions and I should take it slow for a while.. So that's basically what I did.Or what I tried to do.. It's quite hard with a todder running around the house all day. 

Well, I'm feeling much better now. I haven't had any contractions since then and I feel ok.

Emotionally I have been fine.. Of course I was wortied a lot and I was really scared but in general I feel good. happy. not so many  tears anymore  and random crying:)

otherwise I feel hugh most days and smll at times. I think my belly is s tad bigger than what it was with Nate buy that is fine. The problems I had with my hand have almost disappeared which is wonderful !!! Sleeping has been fine. I have had a really bad cough that kept and still keeps me awake but pregnancywise it's been fine.

I have been craving sweets a lot.. but I tried not to eat too many which has been hard :) 

So all up I'm good. Trying to take care of myself and little bee. 
I have my glucose tolerance test this werk and I desperately hope that little bee shows his/her gender. I wanna go shopping!! pssst - I have bought some things already but mostly neutral things..

I'll try and keep you posted...

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Chubby Bump: 22 weeks pregnant

Sorry for not posting any earlier and not posting last week. There was just heaps going on and writing a pregnancy update was the last thing on my mind... but here you go. It's gonna be a mixed up 21 and 22 weeks update!


How far along are you? I'm 22 weeks and 2 days today. 

How I'm feeling:  I tried to take some notes on my phone during the week so I don't forget but the only two things that I have written down were nesting and hard stomach. So nesting has really kicked in last week. I've never had the typical nesting during the last pregnancy and I'm not really a super tidy and organized person. I'm more of the chaotic type... So this has been new to me that I have to put everything away straight away. Basically the same with the hard stomach or braxton hicks contraction. During my first pregnancy I thought my stomach can't get hard at all but I have had a hardened up stomach quite a few times so far. But I guess that is normal when you have a toddler running a round all day.
Emotionally I have been ok. I've had a few sad and depressed days. Nothing really to worry about but just a few down days.

Total weight gain: My eating has been sooooooo bad during the last two weeks. Cravings have been so bad. I haven't actually stood on the scales but I know that I have put on some weight now. I will try my best to eat as healthy as possible now.

How big is little bee? Little bee is approximately the size of a mango weighing 430gr and measuring 29cm head to toe. 

Maternity clothes: Yes. Nothing to add. 

Sleep: Sleeping has been really good lately. Even though the peeing during the night has kinda come back but I don't seem to mind really. I just get up, do my business and get back to bed... All good :D

Movement: I have been feeling little bee a lot. The movements are getting stronger each week. And hubster was actually able to feel little bee on valentine's day!! 

Food cravings: All the bad things. I really haven't been craving one thing only. But it's all bad. It goes from burgers to chocolates to sweet drinks. You basically name it and I crave it AND I eat it. Self-control has been bad therefore as well :( But I'm trying to get back on the healthy wagon!!

Food aversions: eating it all!!! 

Belly button in or out: in. But when I lay down in the evenings I notice that it gets less deep if you know what I mean...Maybe I should add the Wedding Band on or off question: No wedding band for me anymore. I'm way too scared I won't be able to take it off anymore...

What I miss: Not been missing much this week. I was way to busy to miss a thing. :D

Best moment this week: We celebrated hubbys 30th birthday. We had an awesome time with friends and family. However, I was super tired when we got home. It was basically just me running around and catering for the guests... The result was super sore feet and my back was killing me. I was still tired the other day...

What I'm looking forward to? This week I can't really think of anything. BUT we have a doctor's appointment next week and I can't wait to see little bee again!!


My 21 week bump...


My 22 week bump...

Monday 2 February 2015

Chubby Bump: 20 weeks pregnant.. Half way there!

How far along are you? Half way there!!!! I'm 20 weeks and 0 days!

How I'm feeling:  umm.. This weeks has been ok. Not the best but also not the worst. I've had quite a lot of heartburn. I had, I think, two days where I felt nauseous. I also think that my body now really started to retain water which sucks. I've never ever had a problem with swelling or retained water while preggers with Nathanael. So I started to wear my compression socks which I got for our long haul flight  to Australia. Those socks... Oh, dear! I'm so out of breath after I put them on. It's a struggle. But as long as it helps, right?! Still drinking lots of water, 2-3 litres... And I feel like my arm doesn't fall asleep as often anymore as it used to. That's a plus.
Emotionally I've been ok. Still quite a lot of tears just listening to certain songs and so on. But otherwise  all is good.

Total weight gain: I forgot to weigh myself this morning but I weighed in yesterday with -1kg. So I'm down 1kg.. Perfect.

How big is little bee? Little bee is approximately the size of a banana weighing 300gr and measuring 25,6cm head to toe. 

Maternity clothes: Yes. Nothing to add. Just trying not to go stripy every single day :D

Sleep: Sleeping well. I've noticed that I usually don't have to get up anymore to pee. Peeing, however, has been bad during the day now. 

Movement: I feel little bee every single day. Mostly in the evenings as I'm too busy to notice it during the day. Therefore kicks are still not that hard that it hurts or anything like that. The other night I actually felt little bee roll over and I actually felt it from the outside. Unfortunately Mister Husband wasn't around and I reckon as soon as he would've put his hand on my belly it would've stopped anyways.. hahah. always the same..

Food cravings: TOMATOES! Oh, gosh. One day I had this super hugh craving for tomatoes! At least it was a healthy craving. And I do really like salads. But of course chocolate is still up there in my cravings list. 

Food aversions: eating it all!!! YUMMERS!

Belly button in or out: in. Maybe I should add the Wedding Band on or off question: They're off most of the time. I can still fit them but I get scared I won't be able to take them off again as I do start to swell. So when I wear rings I will wear some that are slightly too big.. Which would be m engagement ring and one I got from my grandy.

What I miss: Haven't really missed anything this week. well, there has been one thing. always the same. Shame on me but I missed Baileys... It's quite cold at the moment with a lot of snowing so the occasional coffee with Baileys would be A.W.E.S.O.M.E!

Best moment this week: First time of the year to go listen to carnival bands (I have no clue what you would call them in english..) Nathanael dressed up as a dino (Got that from Carter's). And I got Marcel's birthday pressie (His 30th b-day is coming up next monday!)

What I'm looking forward to? Still the stroller. It was supposed to arrive on friday and it didn't. So still waiting on that! I can't think of anything else right now :D

I thought I'd share my bare belly for once including my tiger stripes

Please excuse the bad lighting...

Monday 26 January 2015

Chubby Bump: 19 Weeks pregnant...

How far along are you? I'm 19 weeks and 0 days! Almost half way!!! YAY!

How I'm feeling:  Well, I'm good. That kind of sums it up. No nausea anymore. Rarely any headaches and the back pain has been fine as well. So when it comes to the physical aspects of last week I have been good. The only real thing that somewhat worried me was that during the night when I woke up my left arm had been falling asleep. I had a doctor's appointment on tuesday and I talked to my doctor. She said it could be from retaining water that pressured a nerve but I haven't really been swelling. So she told me to take some magnesium and see if it'll go away and to try and drink lots of water. Since taking the magnesium before I go to sleep I have noticed that my arm was better. However, for a few days now my wrist has been hurting. So I'm really trying to drink lots of water as I do think it might be retained water.. we'll see.
Emotionally I have been pretty much the same. Nathanael has been teething quite badly this past week and he needed his mummy a lot. So I sometimes got to a point where I just couldn't handle it anymore and just cried. There are also a few things that have to be figured out for my/our future and I had a lot on my mind not making it any easier to have a clingy, teething toddler and being emotional anyways. But it's ok. Nothing that really bothers me in terms of "oh, I can't handle my life anymore". :)

Total weight gain: Still the same. I haven't gained or lost any grams. I even checked the weight I weighed in at my doctor and I have been exactly the same weight every time I went. And my doctor was really happy and told me to try not to gain as long as possible which I will try.

How big is little bee? Little bee is approximately the size of a grapefruit weighing 240gr and measuring 15cm head to bum. From next week on the abby will be measure head to toe!

Maternity clothes: Yes. I have been wearing mostly dresses last week. Non-maternity dresses but all my other clothes are maternity.

Sleep: Sleep has been good. The thing with my hand has been mentioned above. So still peeing about 2 times a night.

Movement: Yes, feeling little bee every day now. Still no big movements but definitely feeling little bee moving. She/ he has been moving a lot around my bladder. It feels like someone's playing soccer with my bladder which I haven't really had this early with Nathanael. 

Food cravings: Cravings have kind of been weird. Um... I have been craving chocolate quite a lot. Not every chocolate only special ones and not every day the same type of chocolate. One day I craved mustard and at the same time chocolate.. Not that I would have wanted to eat them together I just wanted them at the same time.

Food aversions: no aversions this week... I can eat it all :D

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss: I missed going to the toilet by myself.. Just having a few minutes off... But it's ok. I know it's only a phase until the next phase.. hahhaha

Best moment this week: All up it was a lovely week. We were able to see little bee this week but unfortunately he/ she didn't want to show the gender. But everything is fine and that was great. AND we ordered our new stroller!!! YEAY! Maybe if someone's interested we decided on a Bugaboo Donkey Duo. I wanna do a time lapse video of when I or we assemble it. And then I would like to write a review on our current stroller (which I'm trying to sell) and our new one.

What I'm looking forward to? Looking forward to tonight. Hubster and I are having a date night. Nate's gonna be staying at my parents and we'll probably go out for dinner. So def looking forward to that! And as I already said our new stroller might arrived at the end of the week!

Please just don't look at my panty line :D

I think my bump looks super weird this week.. 

Monday 19 January 2015

Chubby Bump: 18 Weeks pregnant...

How far along are you? Today I'm 18 weeks and 0 days.

How I'm feeling:   Emotions have been like a roller coaster. I wouldn't say worst week so far but by far the most emotional week. I guess it's gonna stay on that level for a while. I have not had any like super wild crying. It was more of tears just rolling down my cheeks at every possible situation. But it's ok.. I'm ok with that. The whole situation with my patience got better. I was much more calm and relaxed this week. I like that! Nausea has gone completely which is great. I had the occasional headache and on friday and saturday I think I overdid  a bit. 
Friday my mum, Nathanael and I went to IKEA for some shopping. So we did lots of walking and carrying. I was super tired when we got home. Then on Saturday Nathanael stayed at my mum's place and I got some cleaning done and I built Nathanael's new bed which we got at IKEA... This resulted in a bad back pain and being super tired and just feeling off. 
And something else that has really taken over is being out of breath. I think it got quite noticeable and even just putting Nate in his car seat and popping Ares in the car I'm out of breath.

Nathanael's new bed

Total weight gain: still 1 kg down. So same as last week.

How big is little bee? Little bee is the size of a bell pepper weighing 190gr and measuring 14,2 cm.

Maternity clothes: Definitely maternity close. Some non-maternity shirts are still ok, though.

Sleep: Sleep has been quite good this week. Peeing usually 2 times a night. I have noticed that some nights I wake up and my left hand/arm has fallen asleep. A really weird feeling and of course I googled it. What came up was the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. As far as I read there isn't really that much you can do about it but I will mention it to my doctor this week and see what she says.

Movement: Still feeling movement. However, still no big kicks or rolling but for sure feeling little bee every now and then. I do try to slow down at least when I lie down in bed and just put my hands on my belly and just relax. Because it just seems that during the day, especially with Nate running round and wanting all of my attention, I just don't seem to notice being pregnant that much.

Food cravings: None. At least not that I can think of. I really craved some salads one day but that it it.

Food aversions: still cheese. but it's been ok.

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss: This week I have to admit I really missed not drinking any alcohol. I was invited to a friends place for dinner and she served such nice wine. OMG. and I was sipping on my sparkling grape juice. 

Best moment this week: There were many!! I had a great time on friday with my mum shopping and we checked out the stroller we're looking into buying. (It was great! So just waiting to order it online and I'll probably do a separate blog post on our stroller). Then Saturday night my friend's birthday. Some mummy time!! GREAT! I really enjoyed it!

What I'm looking forward to? Of course the doctor's appointment on tuesday!!!! Hopefully we find out the gender!!! Keep your fingers crossed!

Sunday 18 January 2015

Chubby Bump: 17 weeks pregnant...

How far along are you? I'm exactly 17 weeks and 0 days. 23 weeks to go. 3 weeks till I'm halfway there.. Time seems to fly. and then there are days when I think "C'mon hurry! Still soooo long to go"

How I'm feeling:  Well, I guess I kind of jinxed it last week by saying that I'm not (yet) as emotional as during my previous pregnancy... That has definitely changed this week. So I can basically say that throughout the week I have been super emotional, lots of crying going on because of virtually nothing. Things like my husband saying something to me and thinking about certain things... It's all been part of my emotional state. And of course I went to the movies to watch this sad comedy about alzheimers and, oh gosh, worst decision ever. But still a good movie. Something else I noticed this week is that I don't seem to be as patient as I used to be. Especially when it comes to Nathanael. I don't like that....
Otherwise I have been feeling ok. Some back pain, some real bad headaches but otherwise quite good.

Total weight gain: still 1 kg down

How big is little bee? Baby bee is the size of a ginger measuring about 13 cm and weighing 140 gr.

Maternity clothes: This week I have only been wearing maternity pants. But the shirts still fit. So I do wear some of my maternity shirts but also some regular ones. 

Sleep: Sleep has definitely changed as well. I had about 3 really bad nights when I just could not fall asleep and then I kept waking up so many times. I also started to use my pregnancy pillow this week. I do feel comfortable using it but sleep just hasn't really been on the good site anyways.. we'll see what happens this week.

Movement: I felt little bee this week! It was at 16 weeks 4 days. No kicking or rolling but sure it was little bee. It felt like a soft knock on the inside of my belly. It's just that every time I feel that little knock I try to concentrate and of course little bee doesn't wanna move again. hahha. I felt him/her every day since and I hope it gets stronger now every day!!!! :D

Food cravings: Food cravings have been ok. Of course I mostly crave for something that I don't have a t home but then I can't be bothered to go out and get it. I guess it's mostly a good thing so I don't eat all the crappy things I crave. But nothing in particular really this week.

Food aversions: still not too fond on cheese...

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss: Not having to cry at each and every thing... I've always been emotional but I really don't like having to cry sooo much and I just can't control it..

Best moment this week: Going to the movies. I had a great time out with friends!

What I'm looking forward to? Going to IKEA on friday and getting to check out the stroller. LOVE IKEA!!! 

Bump with my flarey shirt and without...

Sunday 4 January 2015

Chubby Bump: 16 Weeks...

How far along are you? Today I'm exactly 16 weeks. Depending on what book you read or what app you follow I'm right at the beginning of my 5th month. (It does really depend on how you look at it).
In some ways I can't even believe that it has already been 16 weeks and then on other days I'm like "what? still 24 to go"...

How I'm feeling: I am feeling good. I reckon I'm not (yet) as emotional as I was while preggo with Nate. Well, maybe I should add that yesterday had been probably the most emotional day in this pregnancy. Already when I got up I felt off and then during breakfast I was staring at Nate and had to cry, then I heard a song and I had to cry, when hubster got home from work I had to cry...Lots of tears yesterday.. But otherwise I have been feeling good. When it comes to physical aspects I'm alright. I'm not sick anymore like I used to be for the first 13-14 weeks but I do still have a weird tummy occasionally. And it seems as if as soon as I lie down to go to bed I feel the worst. But it's ok.
oh, I forgot. I did have back pain more than I had during the previous weeks. lower back pain and I had one day when I really felt my sciatic nerve. I hope that doesn't get any worse or I might have to go see my chiropractor.

Total weight gain: down 1 kg

How big is little bee? The baby is the size of an avocado this week. Weighs about 100g and measures somewhere around 11cm. (This also varies a lot from app to app) I'll just still to this one for my next updates.

Maternity clothes: Not only but also. This kinda sums it up. I do still fit my usual shirts and some pants but especially when it comes to pants it is way more comfortable to wear my maternity ones. And I guess it's just easy to grab some out of my closet as I don't have to go buy some. I just grab the my old ones. I did order one pair of a thicker kind and one pair of nice black trousers for work. I haven't received them yet.

Sleep: I am a very good sleeper. I mean I usually sleep well no matter what  or where. So I have to say I still sleep well. However, I might start using the pregnancy pillow just out of comfort. And of course there are the 2-3 times I have to get up to pee. but ok. Something that has been different this week are my dreams. Real weird dreams. I might have to add that I usually can't remember what I dreamt.. We'll see if this continues.

Movement: Each day this week I had some moments when I thought "oohh, that's the little bee".. But nothing like kicks or turns.. I reckon I have felt the bee but just really that bubbly fluttery feeling.  I do hope it gets stronger next week.

Food cravings: Oh, dear. There have been many and different ones. I have craved fruit gums, chinese food, salads... I can't even seem to think of them all now. It just felt like it changed every day to something different.

Food aversions: none I guess. maybe any kind of soft cheese. that's it.

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss: I do miss the occasional glass of wine. Especially during the christmas and new years days.

Best moment this week: Carrying sleeping Nate from the car to his crib at New Year's eve. He looked so innocent. Well, I guess he still is so innocent. I just love him so much. :)

What I'm looking forward to? Finding out it little bee is a girl or a boy. And trying out a new stroller!!

Not the best bump shot but I'm still figuring out where and how I want to take my bump pictures.

Friday 2 January 2015

Chubby Bump: Pregnant and Plus-Size

I was debating for a while if I should or shouldn't start this blogging about my pregnancy... It can be difficult to talk about being overweight and it can be even more difficult when you're pregnant.

I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. Of course there were times when I was smaller or even at the top end of the "normal" weight but I was never skinny. I have tried many different things to lose weight and some were more successful than others but nothing has worked for me, yet.
It's not that I wouldn't know how to lose weight it's just the famous "click" that has to happen in your head that somehow just hasn't happened for me yet.  However, I am still constantly trying to lose some weight and live a healthier life. NOT just for me but for my family as well.

During my first pregnancy from beginning till the end I lost about 4 kgs and I was really proud of myself but afterwards I just kind of crashed. Christmas was just around the corner and I was indulging in all the goodness that came with it.

So here I am.  15 weeks pregnant with our second child weighing in at the exact same weight as I did for my first pregnancy (well, at least it's not more)..

I wanna document the journey of being pregnant again and share some thoughts along the way.