I reckon as it has been 6 weeks since my last update I won't do just the regular update.. I do a quickish recap of the past 6 weeks and mainly write about how I feel at the moment.
Probably the main thing happening was that I went to the hospital just about 3 weeks ago because I thought I was having contraction. They were somewhat painful and regular and even after taking some magnesium and lying down they I didn't feel any better. So I called my doctor's office and they told me to go to the hospital to get me checked.. after about 3 hours my actual doctor came in (as she was on call at the hospital) and told me that they couldn't see any contractions on the CTG but from what I wss telling them she'd say they were contractions and I should take it slow for a while.. So that's basically what I did.Or what I tried to do.. It's quite hard with a todder running around the house all day.
Well, I'm feeling much better now. I haven't had any contractions since then and I feel ok.
Emotionally I have been fine.. Of course I was wortied a lot and I was really scared but in general I feel good. happy. not so many tears anymore and random crying:)
otherwise I feel hugh most days and smll at times. I think my belly is s tad bigger than what it was with Nate buy that is fine. The problems I had with my hand have almost disappeared which is wonderful !!! Sleeping has been fine. I have had a really bad cough that kept and still keeps me awake but pregnancywise it's been fine.
I have been craving sweets a lot.. but I tried not to eat too many which has been hard :)
So all up I'm good. Trying to take care of myself and little bee.
I have my glucose tolerance test this werk and I desperately hope that little bee shows his/her gender. I wanna go shopping!! pssst - I have bought some things already but mostly neutral things..
I'll try and keep you posted...