
Tuesday 31 July 2012

wordless tuesday

I didn't really plan on doing a wordless post because I intend to do the weekly photos on sundays.
However, well.... How should I put it.

No time for more than this. sorry.

there's gonna be an update on student life tomorrow which I planned for today but I'm off to bed.. falling asleep as we speak I write...

a beautiful evening 

and a little hi from the pup

Monday 30 July 2012

I'm healthy and I know it...lalalalla

I wanted to write "I'm sexy and I know it..." at first. But I guess that would have pushed it a bit far. no?!
There must be something sexy about me. at least at times..otherwise I wouldn't have found my lovely husband, right? or maybe he just married me because I'm such a good housewife and I cook for him every day the best meals ever.. right. (can you spot the irony here?)

well.. it's monday and that means it's time to reflect on the last week in terms of healthy lifestyle, weight loss, being active.

hmmm... not much to report. damn. really?!

let's think again.

eating has been good. BBQs with salads, no bad snacking in terms of chocolate bars or chips, I did have some cake on sunday but I didn't overeat ..
water intake? check. at least during the week I'm going strong with 2 litres of water. I should try to cut back on coffee though. I'll try that next week. maybe..

on the fruity, vegetable front I'm doing ok. there were some bananas, grapes, apricots, nectarines... yummy. I love nectarines. YUP! :) vegetablewise, I eat veges everyday. not really gonna list them all. too boring.

being active? well, as you know I'm doing the whole dvd thing. I did keep up with them during the week but I slacked on the weekend. I do walk the dog, sometimes even for more than just 15 minutes...hehe. sometimes.

the numbers? well, there has been a loss. not something worth mentioning but at least a loss.

no photos today. but there will be some tomorrow.

tomorrow is gonna be a big day! curious? well check back tomorrow!

Sunday 29 July 2012

Weekotos #1

I was thinking about a name for these posts. Instagramnia? Photomania? Weekly photos? So I figured as I don't know if I will always post Instagram pictures I might as well call it "weekotos". as a blend of weekly photos. I'm so darn smart, right? hahaha!

without further ado...

Ares favorite sleeping position

2 dollar sun glasses

the sun is shining

optimal... screensafer

afternoon snack

 girls night out with my mum

different way to style my hair

purple nails

I can put my head through the fence! :)

cupcake order. chocolate and nectarine

afternoon cocktails with hubs

taking the dogs for a ride


going for a swim first thing in the morning

Have a nice evening!!!!!

I spy with my little eye...

I'm gonna do a picture post tonight as a recap of the week. But I thought I could show you something I like. I like skulls.
I love skulls...
I don't really know why I just do. and I don't like all of them. there is a certain type I like and some I just really don't.

I tried to dig out some of my skull accessories and thought I could show them to you :)

First of some shoes:

totally adore that little skull

 these are my iron fist ruff rider flats in red.

these are my iron fist digiskulls black/silver

some really cute hair clips. I got these at a small shop in zurich. 

My absolute new favorite. Alexander McQueen Gold/amber spiral twin skull ring.

eau de parfum police to be for women

It's my custom made skull knuckle duster ring clutch from diane wood from etsy.

I have some more skull things like some sneakers and a scarf but the ones above are my absolute favorite skull things at the moment. 
I guess you can also tell that I like iron fist shoes :)

More on that in a wish list post...

Friday 27 July 2012

too cool for school...

Our pup is going back to school, well, we take him back to school. It's not school as in school, school. Oh dear! How to explain!
ummm... let me see.... Ares is gonna be a paramedic dog ! HAHAHAha.. well, it's more like rescue dog.. we're trying... we don't really have the intention of taking the exams for actually work with him in that field but it's more of a get together once a week with  other doggies and play and work a bit.

well, Ares isn't the most well-trained dog I have to admit. We do work with him and he knows a few commands but he's not the super-geeky-I always-listen-to-what-you-say dog. He is more of I-listen-if-you're-really-nice-to-me dog and the I-mostly-just-do-what-i-want dog. WE LOVE HIM! :D

you see, he is a big boy. and he needs to follow some rules. There are rules we are pretty strict about.
He doesn't jump up on people (maybe he is just too lazy to actually do that).
He doesn't bark at family, friends and random people (He only barks when you make him to.)
He is not allowed upstaires which means no lying on our bed on so on.
He is allowed on the couch but only if there is no one else on it (If I come and sit down he gets off)
He doesn't beg for food when we eat (he does come around and have a look at what we're doing but he goes and lies down afterwards)

 Things we have to improve:
Come when we call him (he does it most of the times, especially when we're out and about. but it doesn't always work at home. meaning if he is somewhere near our house and off leash he sometimes takes off but comes back fairly quickly.)
Heeling. We're working on that one. He heels ok when on leash. now working on off leash. still quite a bit off work to do.

That was basic info!

Yesterday we had training. We were supposed to have. Hubby ususal goes but as he is working afternoon shift  I figured I could go. I'm a mess. People who know me know this. I'm mostly in a hurry when it comes to be somewhere at a certain time.. So I was  late (exactly 4 minutes) and no one was there anymore. I guess they must have cancelled it (as I found out later hubs told them we weren't coming and I guess there weren't enough people..No one told me!) Well, Ares and I did some heeling and then I decided to take some photos. Just to show you our dog in all its glory :D

sidenote: It was a really hot day and even though it was around 8pm it was still pretty hot and in those pictures he looks more like he's been on an 8 hour walk than what we actually did..

We can lie down and stay (but you have to be quick to take a picture!)

 Let those flappy ears get caught by the wind! YAY!

 some running action with ears all over the place. what a beauty! :D

Zeus, our newest soon-to-be family member, and me all sweaty

 I'd say that's enough animal information for today! ;)
Have a great day!

Thursday 26 July 2012

I'm on a mission #1 - Fitness dvds

As I let you be part of my life I will also let you be part of my mission. My mission to lose some weight. yeah, I know. Of course I don't have to lose any weight and I know that I'm beautiful the way I am. I KNOW. But I also know that I am overweight and that I don't feel comfortable anymore and that I have to change something. I just have to. For those of you who have known me for a while know that I have never been the skinny one. never. that's ok. and I don't wanna be the skinny one. I just wanna be the healthy one. I wanna change my lifestyle. I will probably never be a marathon runner or something like that. But I would like to live a healthy and active lifestyle.
That is why I don't really have a goal weight. Well, maybe the weight I need so I'm in the range of healthy in terms of BMI. But I'm not like "I wanna be 60kgs otherwise I won't be happy". nope. not like that.

So what have I or let's say what have we done (as hubby has to get into this to. it's a team effort, a family thing)?

We have changed our eating habits. Well, let's be realistic. We are changing the habits. it's not always easy and we sometimes indulge in stuff we shouldn't. But we agree on the fact that we don't diet. We change our ways, which also  means we don't have forbidden foods. We just don't have fastfood that often anymore. We just have it on special/ certain occasions. We don't skip dessert on sundays, we enjoy it. we just don't have dessert every day. We eat loads of vegtables and fruits. Still eating carbs but not having pasta every day. You get the groove of it?
We also started exercising (again). Again because hubby used to workout when we met and kind of stopped (bad influence right here!). And I used to exercise more than I do know but I nver stuck to it. So we're trying now. No we work out regularly!

So that was the basic information you needed on the mission.
Now some words on fitness dvds. I have ordered 2 different fitness dvds. You might ask why I don't go to fitness classes like aerobics or something like that. I just don't like them. Especially when I go by myself. I just don't. Even though I paid for them, I end up not going. That's it. I just don't like them.

So here's the deal. I have bought the Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred and the Slim in 6 by Debbie Siebers.
The 30 day shred obviously takes 30 days and the slim in 6 is a 6 week program.  Marshmellow and I have done 10 days of the shred and stopped but we will take it up again. I started the slim in 6 yesterday and we will see.

I have also signed up for a weekly yoga class and I'm looking into a weekly spinning/indoor cycling class which won't start until the end of october.
The mission started!

me??? not quite! :D

26 in 26. Link up

I have always followed those link ups between different bloggers and now it's time to join. If anyone of you come across my page because of the link up: thanks for stopping by and sorry if my blog isn't hugh yet, not even big. just beginning :) but you have to begin somewhere, right?!

so let's get started. it all started with erin and her blog living in yellow that I found through the lovely raven and her blog (which I love!) a Momma's Desires and Pacifiers.

so this is about the things you would like to accomplish during the next year or till your next birthday. so I'm 26 and I have almost 1 year time for this. let's have a look at that list:

1. Finish my studies and earn my degree as a psychologist

2. paint my nails a differnt colour every week

3. go climb a mountain

4. clean up my closet and keep it tidy for at least a month

5. sort my office after I finish university so people who come visit can actually have a look at it

6. say i love you to my hubs each and everyday (do that already but it's still important)

7. finish reading that book that has been sitting on the little table in the conservatory for ages

8. try to get pregnant and start a family

9. buy a vintage pram

10. wear a pettycoat and a full circle dress and rock it!

11. finally wear those iron fist heals with the skulls and don't fall on my behind

12. start spinning/indoor cycling

13. get into yoga

14. get a hot stone massage for the first time

15. try not to kill the plants I own now with not enough or too much water

16. cook a delicious meal each sunday

17. cut out all the sodas I'm drinking

18. might as well cut out some coffee as well, not all but some. maybe 1 cup a day?!

19. work with our dog more often as in terms of obedience

20. buy some jeans a size smaller than I wear now

21. get another tattoo

22. earn some real money? not sure if possible, depending on what job I'll get next BUT trying hard

23. push my cupcakes business a bit further (at least one order a month)

24. skype with my bestie in OZ more often (we might have to start with it first (: )

25. safe money for a baby, a new door and some holidays, whichever comes first.. probably the door (already ordered) then baby or holiday

26. just enjoy every minute of my life, be grateful for what I have and be curious what is to come...

so what about you??????

The journey of my hair

Just recently I got a haircut. Not just a trim but a haircut. A major makeover I would even like to call it.

But let's just go a bit further into my past..

As a little kid I cannot remember ever having had longer hair. It was maybe shoulder length but never longer (My mum is a short hair mum, never knew her any different than with short hair).. So I guess she just always got my hair cut. For my part I always wanted long hair but I never had tha patience of growing it. I might get to  a little longer than my shoulders but never really long. So as soon as marshmellow and I started to think about getting married (beginning of 2010), I started growing my hair. Even though we weren't engaged by that time I still wanted to grow my hair just so it would be long for the wedding.

pretty old photos from aroud the same time. I can tell cause I'm wearing the same pair of glasses in both photos.

So that is what I did.. growing my hair. until it was pretty long (at least for my standards). I loved my long hair. I loved the fact that I could just put it up ina bun when I was lazy, or I could straighten it and wear it down so everyone could see my long hair and what I loved most about it was that I could do different updos. I loved to braid my hair in different ways and try new styles.

Sometimes before the wedding. again I can tell because of the glasses I'm wearing. :) Probably the longest my hair ever was.

Well my hairdresser (I love her to pieces) and I decided to change it up a bit. So we (well she did the cutting) cut it in an asymmetrical way... It looked lovely when she did it, which is ususally the case when you get a new haircut and it's all nice after it has been styled the right way. But for my part I just didn't know how to work it. I ended up putting it in a bun most of the time and I was hot with all the hair and I got really fed up. so I called her (well texted) and asked for another appointment.

This is what came out:
The journey of my harcut. The one on the top right is the asymmetrical cut...

I just went in there, said to her:"Cut it off." And off it is.

I LOVE IT: I feel free and confident. Hubbs, well he is ..., male. He says it's not too bad but he just doesn't like short hair...on women of course, I mean. But I do like it. You will probably hear more about my hair in the future. I change the colour a lot :D

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Welcome - well, come and follow me around :)

Anyone out there? Probably not (yet)...

The whole purpose of this is to try and get family and friends all over the world to be able to take part in our life, to see what we have been up to and follow us around..Random things we encounter every day, trying to live a healthier life and tackle marriage on a daily basis.
Us, that is my husband marshmellow, our dog ares and I.... More on us can be found in the "about" section.. hahaha sounds funny.

Maybe there will even be someone reading this, someday :)