
Friday 3 August 2012

I'm on a mission #2 : Link up to a healthier me!

I know I'm late! but it has been a busy week. But I was planning on posting my weight loss themed things on thursdays and then Raven and Kirsten joined up to host wth this "inspire me - healthy" link up which is on thursdays as well...
I might just join in. even though I'm one day late. sorry ladies! :D

All In My Twenties

I just recently posted about my weight journey here so you might wanna check that out. well, I just recently started this whole blog :) there's always a beginning but hopefully not an ending too soon :)

As I have already talked about my journey to a happier and healthier me I decided to just post some photos. Sorry there aren't gonna be any bikini photos atm.... I'm just not confident enough and oh well, it's a bit early on in the journey for me. but if I reach my goal body I will of course post some ... it's always like that, aye?!

a before shot. well the only pic I found of me in full body not wearing my wedding dress (which doesn't show my lower body as it's hidden beneath thousends of layers of fabric, might do a wedding post one day) was this one taken in NZ on our honeymoon.

before shot: I'm gorgeous! look at me, no makeup and geared up as a tourist. loooooovely!

I like the occasional of this (healthy food)

But I do prefer loads of this (homemade btw! chocolate ice cream! YUMMY)

So does hubby. He likes my little treats :)

and some more...

and because I love them so much. one more!

and this me beloved readers is me at my smallest I can remember. see I was never skinny but smaller than I am now. the is my goal. and I'm gonna so damn make it there!!!! you can bet on this little rocking beauty!

1 comment:

  1. You look skinny in that pic! And that is a perfect goal if thats when you felt the best!! Im so glad you are linking up with us!! I love that we all have eachother's posts to read through for encouragment, inspiration and suppost! We are all here with you in the same boat!!

    Look forward to your posts!! Thanks for linking up!!

