
Thursday 23 August 2012

I'm on a mission #5: getting healthy for a little one

Looking at my BMI I'm considered obese. I don't feel obese. of course I do know that I'm not the skinny b*tch I want to be. I am realistic. and of course there are days I feel more confident about myself and there are other days when I feel like I look like a stranded whale.. But I think there are heavier and bigger people than me. of course there are.

to be in the healthy BMI range I would have to lose about 33kgs. that is a lot. but achievable. don't know in what time frame but I think I can do that. you  might know that hubs and I want to start a family sometimes in the not so far away future. not today but soon enough.
I want to be healthy for my future baby. (if we will be blessed with one). I don't only wanna look good for myself and (who am I lying to my hubs as well)... NO, I wanna be healthy. I wanna be able to run after my kid without getting out of breath after 2 minutes. I wanna go for walks with my kid and not just drive around by car as I'm too lazy to walk. I don't want my kid to be teased about his fat mum.
I just wanna be as healthy as possible for me and my family. That's all.

and to be healthy it doesn't just mean skipping on some chocolates or the occational ice cream. it also means shedding some kilogramms.

Last week I have been doing ok. But there were some glasses of wine and there were 2 eating outs and of course NOT enough exercises. I do drink a lot of water, but I still have a glass of soda from time to time. I did move but I didn't really exercise. not as in sweat running down my face (that happened without moving around as it was soo damn hot last week - still no excuse!!! mel! damn you!)

there are things I know I don't want:

I don't want to miss anything. I don't want to crave anything. If I want a piece of cake, I wanna be able to have some. If I want fast food, I wanna be able to have some. the magic word is MODERATION!
I don't wanna diet. I don't wanna drink shakes instead of eating food. I don't wanna leave out carbs and so on.

Things I know I want:

I want to be healthy. I want to live a healthy lifestyle.
I want to be allowed to eat what I want but with moderation.
I want to be able to go out for dinner without falling back into old habits.

to achieve this I set some goals. I'm gonna post them on here for accountability.

the goal is to lose 33kgs.

by the 15th of september -3kgs (a wedding we're attending)
by the end of october -10kgs (it's halloweeeeen!)
by the end of the year - 20kgs (more than half done)
1st of april 2013 - all gone. I'm gonna be one healthy girl

from time to time (and of course on those dates) I will check back and see where I am. what have I accomplished and what haven't I...

Inspirational pics anyone??!!

somehow I couldn't upload anymore pics today... so this has to be inspiration enough. :) sorry guys!

linkin up with raven and kirstin you guys have been amazing!!! 

Tuesday 21 August 2012

weekotos #4: a lil' late

oh man! I tell ya. I have been so damn busy! the weekend was crazy and yesterday and today weren't any better.
so I'm late for my weekly recap but here it is... taaaaddaaaaaa

what I see almost every day

at the hairdresser

homemade pizza




mum and aunty in zurich

lunch in zurich

loubi shop in zurich

trying to cool down with starbucks

train by car

the zurich crew 

blackberry dessert



breastfeeding?! or the evil look

yummy salad

morning kisses

on my way to someplace

chilling and watching the big bang theory

on the road again

trying to escape the heat

"the city"

driving through the forest

the view from above

thirsty pup

lie down under the trees

just me

way too hot!!!

Sunday 19 August 2012

wordless sunday

hubby having to work 12 hours ( 5am - 5pm ) and me walking/hiking around an  alp trying not to melt in the heat with the pup that's all we did tonight. and it's gonna stay that way.

more tomorrow. night night lovelies!!

jacuzzi time

Friday 17 August 2012

the "whys" of my life

I have been thinking. you hear that right. thinking. it's pretty hard sometimes but I'm up for it occasionally.

some questions I have been asking myself lately.

why does my head hurt so badly right now? I have been drinking lots of water and I have slept enough and my head just hurts like it's about to fall off..

why is it so hot?

36°C on sunday AND monday???!!!!! are you kidding me?! That's 96°F! That's way to hot for me. come on I live in the middle of the alps. there are mountains and there's lots of snow in winter it can't really be this hot right now. I'm gonna die.

why did I buy a new cellphone? nonsense it was! I tell ya!!! I have been a strong apple supporter for years. I admit that. I know it's stuff that is waaayy too expensive and you pay for the looks and the name but who cares. I was happy with the products. We have everything apple. so it's works great together. Of course I had an iphone as well. what else do you expect. one of my friends used to call me "apple melly" :) I was happy in my little apple world.. *sigh* until the day when my iphone started to mess with me and I just didn't have the nerve to cope with it. I breathed and I was ok again. then my iphone messed with me once more and I ended the relationship. I got myself a brand new samsung galaxy note. it's HUGE!! and I mean huge. I didn't really choose to buy it but the lovely lady kinda talked me right into it. it's ok. I like the size now as I'm used to it now and I always carry a handbag with me so it works for me. but now this phone is messing with me as well. I've had it for like half a year and it's messing with  me. I had my iphone for almost 2 years when that one started acting out.
I'm going back to apple. I swear! this is my punishment for not stayin loyal throughout the hard times...

why do I keep buying shoes that I most probably don't wear in the future? another addiction of mine. shoes. I'm a girl and a total sucker for shoes. I love them all. high, low, flat, colourful, plain, platform, wedge, sneaker, ballerina, pumps, slingback, peeptoe you name it I most probably have a pair somewhere in my closet. the thing with shoes is that you will fit them forever (most probably). 1 or 2 or even 10 kgs more on your hips, the shoes will stay by your side unlike the pants and the shirts and skirts. they will stay loyal to you no matter what will come. most of them at least. so I might see a pair on sale knowing that I won't wear them every day I still talk myself into buying them because you know it's a classic. everyone should own a pair of these. you can wear them for a nice dinner or when you have a job where you have to be dressed up or or or.... get the idea? and of course you can never, I mean never ever own too many chucks! never. :D

(not my closet but I would love to have a closet like those two.but mine is awesome too. yes. awesome!)

and last but not least for todays philosophy lesson:
why do I suck when it comes to time management? I have been working on it. let's say I tried. accomplished? not really I'd say. I just tend to do most things right at the last minute. it starts with simple things like vacuum cleaning. I could to it now but I decided to do it later but then I might meet my friends and so it gets pushed further away until I 'm in a real hurry to do the cleaning and well.. I'm stressed.
that's the same for most things. housework, homework, telephone calls, paying bills.. I don't like that. But I'm basically and openly speaking just too lazy to change anything. Procrastination is my middle name. It has worked like this for me forever and so it's most probably gonna stay forever. nah, I'm really trying to change something. I might just start today! positivity!!!!!!!

tonight (and I mean tonight not tomorrow mel!) you will do the washing and the cleaning! so you can enjoy the rest of your weekend! let's try this....

Thursday 16 August 2012

Fall is coming!! not.

Fall is coming, eventually. I think.  I hope. maybe.

I'm not a summer person. Not because I'm not the most confident person but because it's just way too hot for me. I hate it, I mean I really hate it when I'm walking around naked (you read it right NAKED) and I'm still hot. nope. not for this girl. I don't like it. I really don't!

so I can't wait for fall. winter and spring. I would say winter is my favorite. I LOVE snow. it makes me happy. I love the day when it first starts to snow and there is this special atmosphere. love, love ,love love it! I'm ok with fall and spring. I like the sun and when it's just hot enough to sit outside with a t-shirt or a cardigan. that's all good with me.

so here's my perfect fall outfit. I know it's about 33°C (91F) here at the moment and it's supposed to stay that way all coming week. (I'm already dying even thinking about it!!!!!aaarrrrhhhhh!)
but still I already bought some nice fall things (that's what's in the shops right now, no more summer clothes) and I wanted to show you.

I' totally obsessed with yellow. and green and coral and pink and purple.. not blue. dunno why. but well, coral and pink and purple are more my summery colours. and I love the turqoise and coral combinations...
FALL however is more yellow, brown, green for me.

I couldn't fine any yellow cardigan or jacket so far but I just ordered these two online and I will check them out. for the beginning of fall I still wouldn't wear anything on top as it might still be quite warm. but for the beginning of winter definetly a coat or a nice warm cardigan.

both from

I'm on a mission #4: oh dear!

oh dear!

I haven't really been a good girl in terms of super healthy lifestyle this last week. therefore I can't really post anything related to  success/ progress this week.

I maintained. Let's call it that. It's just that I did have a good week last week. and somehow I seem to be allowing myself treats as soon as I had a good week. I'm like " you can treat yourself to a nice ice cream cause you've done so well last week...." and somehow when I start a week like that - the whole week ends up being a "treat week"...

I feel like I'm floating aroung the "healthy" space trying to land onto planet "healthy lifestyle" and sometimes I can touch the ground and I feel super happy there. it feels like home and then all of a sudden I'm being sucked back into the deep black nothingness of "bad choices". that's what I somewhat feel like at the moment.

I'm trying here. But sometimes trying isn't enough. I have to just do it. keep it up. dig in there! not give up.

so here's the deal... my plan for this week. (and if I don't stick to it you can beat my with your cyber whips as hard as you can! understood?! :) )

water, no soda. and I mean no soda or anything else than water at all. (except coffee.. I love coffee and I'm not gonna give it up just yet.)

exercise. nothing big. (I don't want to put up those goal where I can't reach them so you could acutally beat me up with your whips) so I'll say: today's big walk with pup friday, saturday and sunday(my days off) and next week. monday, tuesday I'll work the hometrainer. at least 20 minutes....

food: eat breakfast every freaking day! at least a yoghurt! I'm not gonna change lunch cause I keep that fairly healthy already and then dinner --> NO FAST FOOD or PIZZA! possibly no carbs... but don't hang me if I do have some carbs for dinner. :)

so that's the plan! do we all agree on it?! GREAT!!!!!!! :D

Raven and Kirsten have been are a great motivation but still.. these might help you me..

Monday 13 August 2012

Weekotos #3: dog overload!

my lovelies! I'm sorry for not posting anything over the weekend. I had my day off on friday and we had a visitor who stayed till sunday evening and I just didn't come around to do anything. SOOOOORRRY! *pathetic look*

so as I missed my weekly recap  yesterday as well, I will just tell you what we have been up to this weekend and will post loads of photos.

BEWARE there is gonna be a lot and I mean A LOT of doggy photos this time around.
ares had a friend staying for the weekend. our friend carou, a blue great dane. so we had 2 big slobbery dogs staying which means I have to do the cleaning tonight. there was just no way in cleaning this weekend as it felt like there was either of the dogs drinking all day long and then walking through the house with saliva pouring off their mouths. so the house is a mess but it was a good weekend.

hubs was supposed to work night shift but he got a call friday evening that he doesn't have to come in to work and we went to some friends house where we stayed till 4am! 4AM!!!f*** I haven't stayed up that long in ages. no alcohol for me, I was the sober driver.but it was fun. I was drinking about 5 coffees to stay awake as hubs was having such a good time and I didn't want to be THAT wife. *rolling eyes*

saturday way mostly dogs, walking, quick visit at my parents place and chill out.
sunday was once again dogs, and cows. well there is this swiss tradition where you have black cows fighting. not that we (the humans) make them fight but it's a way that they figure out who's the "queen" of cows which means the alpha cow. they don't really hurt each other. it's more a pushing around. so they had that in our tiny village and there were loads of people coming. but it was way toooooooo hot. so we just stayed a little and went back home..

 now I'm back at the blogging front. trying to catch up on the reading of all my favorite blogs and posting some things. I have something planned for tomorrow and there is something else on my mind as well..
all I can say is : I'M BACK! and enjoy the photos!

little zeus

@ dog school walking around in the forest

hubs, my mum and a friend @ dog school

postcard from teneriffa

dessert: strawberries, grapes, butter cookies and mascarpone

hubs enjoying the dessert

made myself a latte machiatto

walking the dogs I

ares and sheila

our baby boy

playing with his friend carou in our front yard

hubs driving our car

me with the boys

rocking some contact lenses so I can wear my sunnies

2 big dogs on the leash

my boys

the three of them

on our way to our friends' place

friends and drinks

finally in my bed

carou our visitor for the weekend

the cows

dogs playing in our back yard

more cows

on the way to my parents

noodles with veges