to be in the healthy BMI range I would have to lose about 33kgs. that is a lot. but achievable. don't know in what time frame but I think I can do that. you might know that hubs and I want to start a family sometimes in the not so far away future. not today but soon enough.
I want to be healthy for my future baby. (if we will be blessed with one). I don't only wanna look good for myself and (who am I lying to my hubs as well)... NO, I wanna be healthy. I wanna be able to run after my kid without getting out of breath after 2 minutes. I wanna go for walks with my kid and not just drive around by car as I'm too lazy to walk. I don't want my kid to be teased about his fat mum.
I just wanna be as healthy as possible for me and my family. That's all.
and to be healthy it doesn't just mean skipping on some chocolates or the occational ice cream. it also means shedding some kilogramms.
Last week I have been doing ok. But there were some glasses of wine and there were 2 eating outs and of course NOT enough exercises. I do drink a lot of water, but I still have a glass of soda from time to time. I did move but I didn't really exercise. not as in sweat running down my face (that happened without moving around as it was soo damn hot last week - still no excuse!!! mel! damn you!)
there are things I know I don't want:
I don't want to miss anything. I don't want to crave anything. If I want a piece of cake, I wanna be able to have some. If I want fast food, I wanna be able to have some. the magic word is MODERATION!
I don't wanna diet. I don't wanna drink shakes instead of eating food. I don't wanna leave out carbs and so on.
Things I know I want:
I want to be healthy. I want to live a healthy lifestyle.
I want to be allowed to eat what I want but with moderation.
I want to be able to go out for dinner without falling back into old habits.
to achieve this I set some goals. I'm gonna post them on here for accountability.
the goal is to lose 33kgs.
by the 15th of september -3kgs (a wedding we're attending)
by the end of october -10kgs (it's halloweeeeen!)
by the end of the year - 20kgs (more than half done)
1st of april 2013 - all gone. I'm gonna be one healthy girl
from time to time (and of course on those dates) I will check back and see where I am. what have I accomplished and what haven't I...
Inspirational pics anyone??!!